NEWS: Catholic Church Issues Ultimatum To DC: Allow Us To Discriminate Against Gays Or We Won't Feed Or Shelter The Homeless (via Joe.My.God) On one level I can't believe this. On another, it's not surprising. What is surprising is this: "Susan Gibbs, spokeswoman for the archdiocese, said Wednesday. 'The city is saying in order to provide social services, you need to be secular. For us, that's really a problem.'" How is it that they have gotten away with providing non-secular social services using federal dollars? Where is the separation of church and state? Here is the link to the original Washington Post article.
NEWS: Candy: First 'Transversal Style' Fashion Magazine Launches (via Towleroad) Yay! A magazine dedicated to "Transversal Style" and all fashionable things celebrating "transvestism, transexuality, cross dressing and androgyny".
MUSIC: "I'm in Love with the City" (via Lala) I love Belle & Sebastian. This is from a musical that Stuart Murdoch, Belle and Sebastian's front man, is working on called God Help the Girl.
INTERVIEW: Brian Eno (via Pitchfork) Brian Eno is a genius. He has created some of my favorite albums. His visual arts work was displayed at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, and I was fortunate enough to see it. I really got into him after I read Stewart Brand's Clock of the Long Now, an amazing book about how to create something that looks at the long view (1000 years or more) and takes viewers out of themselves to experience time. Brian Eno's Bell Studies for the Clock of the Long Now Pitchfork definitely inspires me. recently did an interview with him. Click above to read more.
RESOURCE: Money Tweets: Twitter Meets Financial Education (via Mashable) I've been working on getting more financially literate since July 2009 when I started taking a class with Youth Worker: Collective and Mission SF Community Financial Center. These are some great resources to get you started on the path to financial education.
HUMOR: Seth MacFarland's Secret (via Huffingtonpost) I laugh at Family Guy, but really all of his shows are the same. Watch this and learn Seth's secret.
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