And they have been excellent at getting their message across. Now, they have "real folks" showing up at town halls across America with the sole purpose of shouting down the conversation. Some of those protesters are saying things like "I don't want socialized medicine" but when asked what heath-care they say "Medicare and I like it." This is evidence that the fear and intimidation they are using is seeping in to the public's consciousness whether we like it or not.
Rachel Maddow is doing excellent investigative reporting laying out what actually is happening in this so-called debate. She has done exposes uncovering who is financially contributing to these "grassroots efforts" (spoiler alert: it's corporations making bank off the current system and a number of folks with ties to Bush and Cheney). She has aired segments that directly counter the lies of "Death Panels" and "Mandatory Sex Changes". She is giving air to facts that need to be heard.
My concern is that her message and her reporting is falling into the hands of the already converted, those that already know that this "debate" is a sham. I believe others, specifically our friends and family that may be swayed by the yelling and lies, need to hear her reporting. They need some education to counter the fear.
I have pulled together some of the segments I have found to be helpful in unearthing and learning about what is going on below. These are just a smattering. There are plenty more at
Take a look and pass this on to others that might need some information about the current shouting match. Let's take back the story and make this a debate.
An overview of who is pulling the strings at these protests.
Here is a link to Recess Rally as mentioned in this video clip.
Here is a follow-up clip to the previous one with an interview of Tim Phillips.
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